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hello there…….my name’s Denis Wenzel,  and one of my favorite hobbies is model building.   I used to build models,  primarily of plastic,  but for the last ten years,  I have added wooden model ships.   Hard to say which I like best….both mediums are really fun to do.   I like a wide range of models…….whether it be ships,  cars,  or planes.   I find this to be a way of giving back….writing these logs.  I hope that folks who are currently building these subjects will be able to find them,  and find them useful.   I am no expert, but the logs show what I do,  and I hope to give others ideas in how to advance…or even enhance their model projects.   I started writing these logs,  through a suggestion of a friend,  who was very instrumental in getting me started building wooden ships.  He was a Billing Boats distributor and asked me to write a log on my very first ship,  so he could use them on his shop website.  We became very good friends.   The shop is closed now,  time has a way of changing things.   I will never forget my friend….and continued to write these logs…..part habit……and in part to honor him and his wife.

Thank you Tom and Susan

  1. Ronald Labiche permalink

    why are the copys of the instructions so blury I can hardly read them

    • the reason why they are blurry, is because this is one of the few Revell kits, that the main instructions was done in blue ink. like a record LP, that was pressed in clear or colored vinyl, it’s an off the wall thing….I wonder if that makes them rare as well? I have never heard of any others of this kit done in black, so it might not make them rare.

  2. David permalink

    I just enlarged your instructions and downloaded them. They look great. I am 75 and have not built a kit for 50 yrs. It looks daunting but I am hoping to force myself into it. Thank you for posting this for the Cutty Sark

    • hello Dave,
      happy to have posted them. They are not on the Revell site….they should be. I get many inquiries about the Cutty Sark. if you should need any help with your build, don’t hesitate to ask……I’d be more than willing to help in any way I can. good luck with your build of this fine model 🙂

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